Bleak weather and months of darkness: if this is the impression one associates with the mention of Reykjavík, then it’s high time for an extensive review session. Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland, surprised the world with its vibrancy when it featured as one of the European Cities of Culture for the year 2000. Far from being limited or monotonous, the city's diverse cultural life has enough exciting elements in its store to appeal visitors.
Hallgrimskirkja Church
Set on the fringe of the Atlantic Ocean, Reykjavík is the most northerly capital city in the world. It is believed that a Viking called Ingólfur Arnarson founded the city and he named the place Reykjavik ('Smokey Bay') after the steam rising from the hot springs. Today, these are known as geothermal springs that run beneath the city and provide almost all the heating and water supply to the city. Reykjavík has come a long way from a medley of handful of farmhouses until the middle of the 18th century to a leading trading community. It’s accommodation pattern consisting of low buildings and brightly painted houses gives a feel of a provincial town.
View of Reykjavik
Reykjavik is a small city with population strength of about 113,730. The city’s transportation system is sparse with wide multi-lane highways creeping all over it, connecting the different neighbourhood and suburbs. After Reykjavik’s emergence as an off-the-beaten-path tourist destination, the tourism industry is blooming with uncountable establishment of hotels and restaurants. The city hosts different cultural festivals, countless cafés, six geothermal swimming baths, thrilling nightlife and day trip opportunities into the stunning backwoods. The best part is tourists can try out all these myriad of adventurous activities within a walking distance of the hostels and bed and breakfast they are staying in.
Banking on the profitability of the tourism industry, resident Icelanders are exploring various forms of accommodations options to welcome in the foreigners and in due course give their apartment and house on rent. With a wet and windy climate, Reykjavik is an ideal get away amidst trim gardens, clean streets with an easygoing pace of life.