Tiber river and The Dome of St. Peter

Rome, the capital city of Italy, is best defined as European history personified. The city is steeped into two hundred years of history and projects some overwhelming glimpses from the past that has been enamouring people all over the world. Such widespread is Rome’s collection of art and culture that historians and travel guides still suffer from dearth of words and phrases to describe this magnificent city. Situated on the banks of the Tevere, about 25 kilometers from its main outlet in the Tyrrhenian Sea, Rome is encompassed by the hills of Monte Mario, Gianicolo and Monteverde and more.

Piazza di Spagna

The chain of mountain ranges that roll over the landscape of Rome brings in the tagline of “City of Seven Hills” for the city. It experiences millions of footfalls every year as the Holy Pope has his house here. Though the Vatican City lies inside the territory of Rome, it is an independent state. Rome is like a huge open art gallery where you will find the world-famous paintings and sculptures by artists such as Raphael, Bottecelli, Pinturicchio and Belini. You can still feel the thrill of the gladiator fights inside the ruins of the Circus Maximus or the light, sound and action in the Colosseum. To take a closer look, search out for the hotels, which once served as the accommodations for the royal families. Another lucrative option is the small budget bed and breakfast or hostels that are den for the pilgrims to the Vatican City.

Coliseum at night

The Imperial Forums

But if you are more of a 21st century person with least interest in digging up the past, you can enjoy shopping in bustling markets and busy shopping areas, and relaxing in the multiple city squares, abundant in every nook and corner of Rome. The Roman urban transport society with its fleet of subways, trams, and buses are always at your service and functions effectively under any circumstance. The Leonardo da Vinci and Ciampino airports are buzzing with regular flights and tour operators who can guide you through the city.

Trevi Fountain

The monument of Victor Emmanuel II




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