Statue of Liberty

New York City or the more conventional City of New York is one of the must-stopovers while planning a trip to the United States of America. With unbound opportunities for trade, commerce, culture, arts and entertainment, the city has become the apple of the eyes of any urban citizen justifying its fond identity as the “Big Apple” of the world. Situated on the three major islands of Manhattan, Staten Island, and Long Island the city topography rests by the banks of the River Hudson, East River and Harlem River. New York City is the capital of the North American state of same name and the largest city of United States of America. The city territories are divided into five boroughs named Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island.
New York provides accommodations to a gigantic population figure that tops the American chart in its area of 309 square miles (800 km²). It is a cosmopolitan in true sense where the multi-ethnicity of the population is constituted of people from 180 different countries.

Yellow Cab

New York is the epicentre of culture, leisure, finance and politics in this part of the globe. To stimulate tourism the authorities of the city have come with more efficient transportation, safer streets, luxurious hotels and affordable bed and breakfasts. The economic prosperity of New York is solidified by the fact that the gross domestic product of it only exceeds the one of many European and Asian countries. Moreover, New York houses a huge collection of museums, art galleries and a jazzy and jet-setting lifestyle. The globetrotters seem to be in awe of this city and often take the city houses or apartments for rent to ensure a longer stay within reasonable budget. The colossal Central Park is one that provides green balance to the concrete density of the New York City and while vacationing in the American city, one must not miss a trip to the proverbial Times Square.

Chrysler Building

Brooklyn Bridge
New York View from Empire State Building

Manhattan Skyline



United States

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