Saint Kitts and Nevis is a Caribbean paradise opulent with sun-kissed sandy beaches, lush tropical forests, mesmerising coral reefs and enticing colonial architecture. This unitary island nation is part of the northern Leeward Islands of eastern Caribbean Sea. Saint Kitts and Nevis was first colonised by the British in 1623 after Christopher Columbus first spotted St. Kitts in 1493. Over the centuries, the country has prospered immensely on the basis of its sugarcane plantation and Nevis came to be known as the "Queen of the Caribbees” due to the spilling wealth earned from its super-productive sugar industry. Moreover, the island's seductive yet relaxed atmosphere complemented by a palpably luxuriant natural surrounding attracts a record number of global tourists to its warm water shores. Saint Kitts and Nevis is spread over 68 square miles with a population of 35,012. Basseterre is the capital city.
The geographical features of Saint Kitts and Nevis reflect the adventurous and sportive spirit of the country. Interestingly, the coastline of Saint Kitts, the bigger of the two volcanic islands, looks like a baseball bat whereas the circular shaped island of Nevis resembles a ball. Nevis is situated on the southeastern tip of Saint Kitts and is separated from it by a three-km-wide channel called The Narrows. The towering cloud-fringed slopes of Mount Liamuiga rest in the middle of the Saint Kitts and this dormant volcano is today disguised by dense forestation over it. The gigantic Brimstone Hill fortress of Saint Kitts is often referred as the Gibraltar of the West Indies. The Great Salt Pond is also located in this island. The Nevis Peak also located in the centre of its namesake island is dotted with different colours of exotic flowers. The climatic condition of Saint Kitts and Nevis is mostly tropical with hot summer days followed by heavy rains. The island also lies in the dreaded path of the Atlantic and Pacific cyclones.
Brimstone Hill
Saint Kitts and Nevis displays a wide range of historical and cultural diversity due to its strategic positioning as gateways to the Caribbean. The autonomous status of Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis under the British monarchy was established in September 19, 1983. Earlier these two islands were part of a self-governing union along with the island of Anguilla. However, the island of Anguilla rebelled and was allowed to secede in 1971. The ears preceding these political incidents have been more eventful than ever. It is believed that Columbian Carib tribes inhabited the islands before Christopher Columbus discovered the island in 1493 and named it St. Christopher, eventually, St. Kitts. Nevis was discovered at the same time and got its name from Spanish term of "nuestra senora de las nieves" or our lady of the snows. British and French colonisations over the islands began on the early half of the seventeenth century. In following decades, St. Kitts emerged as the Caribbean power centre and got entangled in the struggle of supremacy between England and France. Meanwhile, Nevis prospered as "the richest jewel" of the Caribbean under British rule. Britain tasted initial success over St. Kitts with Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 but the French authorities took over again. Finally, from the fag end of eighteenth century,
Saint Kitts and Nevis remained under British monarchy with a brief association with West Indies Federation from 1958-62. Today it is a two-island-one-nation constitutional monarchy. Though efforts are on to establish Nevis as a separate and independent country.
Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest nation in the western hemisphere in terms of area but the geographical surface scarcity hasn’t been a hindrance to a healthy economy. The warm and tropical climates of the islands created a perfect base for sugarcane plantation, which is a monopolistic agriculture product in the country. However, the government of Saint Kitts and Nevis has taken initiatives to get rid of the over dependency on sugar industry and diversify in other products. Apart from all other commercial activities, it is tourism that exceeded all expectations in earning foreign currency for the country. St. Kitts and Nevis is a member of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union.
Saint Kitts and Nevis is a small country with moderate population strength but the political system of the country is strong and organised like any other nation in the world. The executive body of the country is constituted of the prime minister and his set of ministers. The premier and his ministers usually are the members of the majority party in the legislature of Saint Kitts and Nevis. The members of the legislatures and the appointed Senators, that include three representatives from Nevis, are selected and elected for five years. The British monarch is considered as the head of the state of Saint Kitts and Nevis and is represented in the country by a governor general.