Bismarck Memorial

Berlin is considered as the 80th biggest urban area in the world. Situated in the northern part of Germany, surprisingly, Berlin possesses an independent state administration. The Senate of Berlin is running this beautiful city since 1920. It divided into 12 boroughs better known as Bezirke, which were formed from the formerly existing 23 boroughs. Each borough is run by a Bezirksamt, which comprise of five town councillors and a mayor. The town councilor or Bezirksamt is selected by the district-parliament, the Bezirksverordnetenversammlung.
Surrounded by the German state of Brandenburg, one of the major attractions of Berlin is its buildings and architecture. Today, the famous Berlin wall is in ruins. But, the East Side Gallery in Friedrichshain, close to the Oberbaumbrücke over the bender conserves a section of the Wall. If looked carefully tourists can easily find out the technical differences in architecture of the previously eastern and western part of the city. Another marked distinction between east and west is in the design of little red and green men on pedestrian crossing lights. The eastern version was rejected after reunification and has become a popular icon for tourists who visit Berlin.
Students and tourists move around historical sights of Brandenburg Gate and Unter den Linden throughout the year. They usually take accommodation in hostels and other hotels, which offer good facilities at a very reasonable rate.
After the Berlin wall came down in 1989, many houses in the previous city centre of East Berlin were refurbished. Nowadays many nightclubs have developed in this part of the city and visitors usually take shelter in accommodations available near by. Several bed and breakfast and apartments for rent hoardings can be seen in this locality.
Berlin's yearly Carnival of Cultures, a multi-ethnic street parade, and Chistopher Street Day celebrations are a few more attractions that tourists should not miss during heir stay at the German capital.

Charlottenburg Palace

Sans Souci Palace

The Dome Cathedral (on the right Tv Tower)

Academy Square




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